Rel.: 05/01/2002

Format: 12inch

„... they call their music „zart- core“, and the press describes it as fragile, introverted and dreamy. Forging their very own version of post rock with a heart they were the first to work with melodies and harmonies again, allowing them to die away unfractured, unbroken...“ little excerpt of an article from Christiane Rösinger printed in the FAZ Attention please, this is a hit yes, T.RAUMSCHMIERE managed to combine the wildness of an animal with the gentleness of an elf – weehaa! ekkehard ehlers (here as BETRIEB) is sending komëit into a toyland where you can dance, too. DJ DSL, the most charming hip hop-dj ever, changes „when its starts“ into an ambient downbeat landscape. cool. ROBERT LIPPOK succeeded in making a real classic electronic hit: clear, elegant, beautiful. simply great! who could change a waltz into a dub? of course BUS – the new electronic dub hope from berlin (tom thiel and daniel meteo, new 12“ on scape). ps the komëit album with the original versions came out in may 2002 (monika25).

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