Rel.: 03/30/1998

Format: CD

Joe Tabu, known as the avantgarde barde from the spree loves strange Coverversions of terrible radio-evergreens like alalalalalongalalalalalong longlilonglonglong, leilelei leileleileileileilei or sunday bloody sunday. And he made a CD including the whole Woodstock-live-album in its true versions, which means no guitar-soli and no hippies. (Give me an F, give me an U, give me a C, give me a K, is now Mama, wie schreibt man eigentlich ficken?) Live Joe plays a dictating machine, sings along with amateur-bands, whose tapes he found on the flea market, he uses toys as instruments or forces his audiencs to play with him. Two years ago joe invented the Hausfrau im Schacht-concerts (which means housewife in shaft - concerts). Once a month he invited friends to play concerts in his own living-room for about 80 spectators and his neighbours. This spring he gathered some songs of those, who played at his home and together with the berlin based monika-label he made a CD called music for livingrooms - 21 soundexamples in household noise. On which are Quarks, Contriva, Klaus Beyer, Bernhard Rei, Hausmeister, Barbara Morgenstern, Schlammpeitziger, Gautsch, of course Joe Tabu and others. Musik fürs Wohnzimmer with: Fuschimuschi - Klaus Beyer - Contriva - Joe Tabu - Hausmeister - Adolf Noise - hockey - Gautsch - Cyrillus Nebel - Quarks - Bernhard Reiss - Harald Sack Ziegler - Mühlhaus/Christie - Pig Pedal - Willkommen zuhause, Laika - Mina - Michael Fieling - Rininat Rebresch & Perdie Blumm - Schlammpeitziger - Barbara Morgenstern - Wohnung

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