Rel.: 06/10/2016

Format: digital

Far Away…. Remixed EP

Far away ... remixed - a debut-album in reflection. Six artists recreated bits of Sonae's first longplayer 'Far away is right around the Corner' that had been released on Monika Enterprise early 2015. For this project musicians Mimicof (orig. Japan, now Berlin, Ger), Markus Guentner (Regensburg, Ger), Cetie´u (Warsaw, Pol) and Dirk Markham (orig. UK, now Berlin, Ger) interpretated four tracks of the album, Ian Anderson of The Designers Republik (Sheffield, UK) told a new story of the album cover girl illustrated by Phrau Pham (Cologne, Ger) and experimental film-maker Alisa Berger (Cologne, Ger) came together with Sonae to record and edit material for the four accompanying music videos. An interdisciplinary remix project by different heads of different faculties at different places - far away is right around the corner.

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